Teen life | Teen Ink

Teen life

March 7, 2023
By 1860Zl BRONZE, Timnath, Colorado
1860Zl BRONZE, Timnath, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Teen days

Zoe Landsberger


Listen carefully, you are only a teen once. That means you only have 7 summers, 1,260 days of school, 252 Fridays after school and weekends to have fun. The time you have as a teen is so precious and will go by so fast! So, ask out your crush, get those new shoes you've been eyeing, get good grades, go to parties, take risks, and make mistakes. This is your time to learn and evolve as a person. This is your time to be crazy, learn new things, and have the time of your life. Don’t worry about what other people say or think because this is a time that you should spend around people who support you and love who you are. Just take those opportunities to, have sleepovers, share secrets, get in arguments but make up after, go to dances, get your hair done, try out for the volleyball team, and make new friends. Leave your best teen life! Have fun with the things you do, And just be a teen.

The author's comments:

Hi my name is Zoe, I'm 13 years old, and I have been to 8 different schools and moved 8 different times. Its always hard to go to a new place and try to fit in. I always have to try and find a new friends group which is very hard sometimes. There are always kid picking on others and just being mean. Its never okay to bring others down to try to make yourself feel better. 

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