Affects of Technology | Teen Ink

Affects of Technology

April 20, 2013
By sierra archer BRONZE, Cumming, Georgia
sierra archer BRONZE, Cumming, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Affects of Technology
Stop texting, stop wrecks claims that, “Nearly 500,000 young adults each year are injured due to various forms of distracted driving, including texting, mobile instant messaging, updating social media platforms, sending photos, etc.” This is a preventable death, so why would you choose it? Phones and technology aren’t only affecting people on the roads however; they are a constant distraction that leads to dropping grades, less personal communication and the need for constant entertainment. It is an addiction in our society these days and we can’t get away from it even though it’s destroying our lives little by little. The reliance on phones/ technology needs to come to an end so our society can grow and be stronger.

Driving is a dangerous task and takes your full concentration in order to be safe for your own life and others. When you’re looking at your phone, which most people lately are constantly doing, your eyes aren’t on the road and anything could happen in the blink of an eye that could change your life forever or even end it right then and there. Using your phone while driving is proven to be more deadly than drunk driving. People are said to be under continuous partial attention. Always focusing on multiple things at once can effect the development of the brain when done at a young age (Conley). Though multi-tasking can be beneficial sometimes people need to know how to put their concentration fully on one task. This can affect people when they are at school or even home trying to study. They don’t put their full attention on what they are doing and feel they need this technology or they won’t make it through the next few minutes or even an hour. One woman says her son beat and bit her when she took his computer away (Jiang). There is no reason for children to act this way because of something that is affecting their lives in such a negative way. Armstrong Williams claims,” cell phones are used to send text messages during class, browse sexual content on the Internet, cheat on tests, and even coordinate drug deals on school grounds.” For these reasons and many others it is clear that cell phones need to be limited during school hours and taken away to prevent the distractions and consequences we all know they can lead to. When people have technology in their hands they don’t pay as close attention to their surroundings or the people they are with. Personal communication is a vital part of human nature but people interact with others less and less every day.
Through all the bad affects of society there are also some advantages. Technology in the medical field has helped to extend human life and improve the quality of life exponentially (technology). It helps people live happier and healthier while battling with tough diseases. Without some of the technology we have today the world would be a completely different place and clueless of the life around them.
Phones and technology open up the world to communication and resources that would never have been imagined as little as 100 years ago. They give us medical advances that save lives. But with all that there is so much harm technology is inflicting on our society. When people have these things you can forget about personal communication, smart decisions on the road, or focus on specific tasks that need to be completed. Grades drop dramatically. People need constant entertainment. Fatal car wrecks occur. How long will it take for our society to wake up and learn what these devices are doing to our lives? Sometimes you have to overlook all the good things and examine the negative affects that are right in front of you.

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this piece because I have noticed all the negative affects of technology and how much people over use cellphones and are starting to rely too heavily on them. I hope this article will open up their eyes and show them what it's doing to their lives.

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