A Bullet Lodged in Our Minds | Teen Ink

A Bullet Lodged in Our Minds

May 19, 2013
By Anonymous

Gun Control is a topic that causes a lot of controversy among the people within our society. There are two main sides to this issue. There are the individuals in favor of gun control, and the individuals against it. Have you chosen what side you wish to take part of?

Several people in favor of gun control have many strong arguments on this issue. However, the people who are against gun control have numerous counters to those arguments. For example, those in favor of gun control have stated that our world has suffered countless hardships that have been caused by incidents and shootings involving guns. By having tighter gun control, we will have a chance at preventing some of the violence that occurs in our world. One of those events that has recently occurred was when a man named Adam Lanza wielded a 223 Bushmaster semi-automatic rifle as he shot twenty children and six adults at an Connecticut elementary school, known as Sandy Hook, last December. This was a horrific time for us all, and many individuals still grieve for the victims of that incident today. People in favor of gun control hope that by having stronger gun control, we will be able to prevent some of the shootings that we have. However, the individuals that made that statement are well aware that gun control will not prevent all deaths caused by shootings, but they think that gun control can help prevent some of them, and save a number of lives. Although they have good intentions, the people who are against gun control have a counter to that argument. Those individuals say that the tragedies that we have faced, such as the Sandy Hook shooting, are truly heartbreaking, but honestly we can’t stop them from happening. Criminals will always have guns no matter what the world does to try to stop them from getting a hold of them. We should know that by now. Think back to the time when prohibition was put into action. That didn’t work out well at all...infact it just caused more problems. So how can we assume that by making strong gun laws, people will follow them? After all, that’s what we thought when we brought prohibition into the world, but that didn’t work out so well. A second argument that was made by the individuals that are in favor of tighter gun control is that a guns main purpose is to kill people. Why allow every civilian to have the power to end someone’s life? A counter to that statement, by the people against tighter gun control laws, is that we are certainly not giving every individual the power to end someone’s life! Everyone is responsible for their own actions, and a majority of the people who buy guns make the correct decisions. There are some horrific people in this world who make the wrong decisions while in possession of a gun, but we shouldn’t let their actions punish the rest of the individuals who can be trusted with guns. It just wouldn’t be fair.

Numerous people that are against gun control also have a variety of arguments about why we should not have gun control. However, the people in favor of gun control have strong counters to those arguments. For example, the people who are against gun control have stated that guns will always exist and criminals will always have a way of getting a hold of one, or another weapon that could be used to commit mass murder. So why would we even bother trying to take away most of the worlds guns? It would would be simply impossible. There are many guns in this world, and it would be very troublesome to get them back. There would also be challenges that we would have to face while getting them back, such as someone refusing to give up their guns. Overall it would be a waste of time. There is a counter to that argument, by the individuals in favor of tighter gun laws, and that is how would gun control be a waste of time? By having stronger gun control laws, we would be doing what is best for us all. We would be putting an effort towards preventing some of the shootings that our society has. Do the people against gun control really not want us to at least make an effort towards taking guns out of the wrong hands? A different argument made by the people against gun control would be that guns don’t kill people. Therefore we shouldn’t take them away. Instead, we should be focussing on punishing the people who make the wrong decisions when in possession of a gun, not the people who have never been irresponsible or untrustworthy with guns. By having stronger gun control laws, we will be punishing all of the people for actions made by individuals who haven’t done the right things with guns, and it won’t be fair. However, the people who are in favor of gun control also have a counter to that argument as well. They say that life is not always fair. If we have a chance at preventing some of the shooting incidents in our world we need to take that chance, and we need to take it now. We won’t be punishing all of the people in the world for what criminals have done. We will be protecting them. Guns don’t kill people, but people kill people with guns. Therefore we need to do something about that, and thats where gun control comes in.

I personally am against tighter gun control. I believe that all of the people who are in favor of gun control have good intentions for our world, but in reality it just wouldn’t work out. I agree that criminals will always have guns no matter what we do to stop them. Gun control won’t fix anything for us, or make the world a better place. That is just my opinion on this issue.
As you can plainly see, there are a number of arguments made from both sides on the issue of gun control.
We are not much closer to coming to a decision on this matter, due to all of the various opinions, but hopefully we can get this all sorted out soon. What side will you be fighting for?

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