Cancer- A Different View | Teen Ink

Cancer- A Different View

June 4, 2013
By Anonymous

I feel that life is precious. Our time on this world is a gift. A lot of people can take this idea for granted. I also like the saying “every minute you spend angry/upset, is a minute of happiness you can never get back.” I think this is important to remember throughout life, and more people should live by this thinking.

I have been researching the topic of cancer for our 8th grade culminating project. The key things I’ve learned about revolve around the impact of cancer on our world today. In addition, I was very interested in the causes of cancer, who cancer has affected, and finding the cure to cancer. I think that cancer has overall had a very negative impact on our society today, and has hurt far too many people.

It’s really incredible how one thing that happens to a person can just have a ripple effect on their whole community. When someone gets cancer, and has a really great attitude towards it, it changes the way people view them, and the attitude of those people towards the victim. Everyone hears about it, whether they like it or not. It really can bring a group of people together.

One other impactful aspect of the topic I explored described why cancer occurs, or the causes of cancer. I really wish that more people knew about these things. People need to be more careful about what they expose themselves to, and they can’t really do this without prior knowledge about it.

I am starting to realize that society can hide things from you. The ways that people can get cancer can be stopped, if businesses actually told you everything that was in their products. That way, you could avoid anything that could put you at risk.

I think the way I want this project to impact me is by showing me how to really step into the shoes of the people who have gotten cancer. I have always been scared of getting cancer, and I probably should be. I also now know more ways about how I can help. I want to make an impact.

The author's comments:
This piece is about my research exit project, Cancer, and it's impact on society today.

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