Surviving the School Day | Teen Ink

Surviving the School Day

April 21, 2014
By dadom BRONZE, Amery, Wisconsin
dadom BRONZE, Amery, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“How do I survive the school day?” A question that goes through many people’s minds, waking up at 6:00 A.M and not getting home until 3:45 or even 6:00 pm if you’re in a sport. Then comes the homework. YAY! By the time you get to bed, you’re too exhausted to write one more word. Everyday high school students are going through this and after awhile you just can’t take it anymore. Exaggerating? Maybe a little, but not much. Your parents want you to get a job to pay for college and gas, but you need to do your homework. The cutest guy/girl asks you on a date and your parents say you can’t go until your room is clean and homework is done. Sound familiar? Of course, we all have had this happen to us or a similar experience happen to us. Now here are ten useful tips to make your life less stressful in a fast and easy way to help you survive the school day.

1. Bring treats or candy to school. Having a jolly rancher or a different non-disturbing candy in class is delicious and can help keep you focused.

2. Don’t procrastinate. Get your homework done right when you get home. Then you have time after that to do fun things, or even better, go to bed early!

3. Keep organized. If you write down what needs to be done and what homework you have, you are more likely to do it and get it done faster.

4. Bring water. Having a water bottle in class keeps you from getting too hungry and on the plus side, it’s good for you!

5. When your clothes are clean and folded, set them on your bed. Then you can’t go to sleep until they’re put away. This way your room will stay a lot cleaner and organized in an easy way.

6. All of you teenagers love your TV and hate going to bed early. But here’s a thought, shut your TV off, and go to bed! Marvelous idea huh?! You’ll get more sleep, and not be as cranky all the time. Your parents would love that too!

7. Dress classy. No matter how appealing those sweatpants look, try your hardest not to wear them. Teachers will think highly of you, and the boy or girl that you’ve had your eye on will think better of you, too.

8. Get a good job with flexible hours. If you can work on weekends, do it. If you’re in a sport, try not to work on weekdays. You need you’re sleep and you need to get your homework done.

9. Hang out with friends. It relieves stress, and gives you something to look forward to. Furthermore, it motivates you to get things done, so you’re able to go out and have fun.

10. When trying to fall asleep, countdown from 200. It calms you, and helps you fall asleep. It gives you something to do besides stress about the upcoming day.

These ten tips have helped me be successful in high school (so far ?) Go hard or Go home, right?! You got this! Go get ‘em tiger!

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