Fear: A Figment of Your Imagination | Teen Ink

Fear: A Figment of Your Imagination

February 24, 2015
By reaganlivi BRONZE, Hendersonville, Tennessee
reaganlivi BRONZE, Hendersonville, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
An endurance test for some is the pursuit of happiness- but we must dare to be happy.

 One thing that I found interesting is that in life everyone has fears. Whether the fears are only skin deep such as being afraid of the dark, or afraid of needles, other fears are emotionally engraved into the brain. Humans are some of the most fearful mammals- sometimes our fears prevent us from living a little. Most of my fears are deep- it's almost like someone implanted the thoughts into my brain. One way to get rid of these fears is to face them, but how can someone get over an irrational fear? Well, they can't. This is why fears are so scary because they can get in the way of life. Maybe the biggest fear is fear itself.

Most of my fears are rational. My biggest fear in life is tragedy. I guess that almost all of my fears can fall into this category. Tragic events such as: family deaths, loosing friends, car wrecks,and natural disasters. Fears of tragedies are the most common concerns of most human beings. It's crazy how these fears are formed. My fear of having a car collision on a bridge that would send the cars falling into the water below wouldn't have been formed if I didn't tune into the news that day. Most of these 'tragedy' fears actually have about a 0.01% chance of happening, but that doesn't stop us from being scared.

Another one of my big fears is change. Change terrifies me and many others. As people we are so unavailable for change to happen. Lots of the wonderful events in my life would not have happened if I didn't allow a change to occur. Change often comes with temporary disappointment; of course we can't see that the disappointment is temporary until it is washed away and we see the real beauty of change. Giving change a chance is always going to be a hard task. Most of the time when things change, people tend to look at the bad and no one thinks of the positive that could come out of it.

My other fear is leaving without words being said. Now, this fear is very complex and I don't even understand it. I've never really been afraid of death, but I have been afraid of dying without telling the most important people the most important things. I've heard that this is a common fear. Most humans don't want to die after a long argument with a loved one, or a mean text message. No one wants to die without telling the people that you love how much they mean to you or just simply how much you love them. The other part of this fear is being afraid to die without dreams being accomplished. I guess you could say this is a common fear because everyone wants to have a meaningful, successful life.

Looking at our fears is really important. Every single fear is important because of the impact it makes in living. Lots of fears are almost encouraged by society- especially the irrational ones. My fears, however, are mostly rational. They don't get in the way of living, but they do get in my brain. When they sneak into my thought-process it scares me. My fears really terrify me because of how close to reality they are. Fears are just scary in themselves because of their power over the human life. If something has that much control over you, how can you not be scared? Getting over fears is terribly hard and scary but that doesn't mean it cannot be done. Humans will never be fearless, but we can strive to be.

The author's comments:

This was actually a school assignment that I just really got into. I am in awe of how fear and the human brain associates with fear. 

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