Facebook or Twitter? | Teen Ink

Facebook or Twitter?

July 4, 2015
By T.Shetty BRONZE, London, Other
T.Shetty BRONZE, London, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This is a big one. What’s funny is I’m not on either of these sites and yet even a non-user such as myself has an opinion on this debate. Where I live up till 4 years ago Facebook wasn’t an option, it was the only solution to printing your social presence on the web. Uploading photos, poking your friends and organizing group study chats were all part of the fun and continue to be today. Though one gets the sense that in recent times, in my area, Twitter appears to have taken over as more “convenient.” Type a buzzword in and you get the world’s opinion on it. It’s different, it’s new, and it’s current. There is a sense when you type in that person you’ve been thinking about all week's name and realise that their last updated photos were in 2012 that their Facebook account seems slightly “outdated”. Obviously it’s up to the user to create that sense of newness to the website so in that sense Twitter has a slight edge, of course it also provides you with the chance to directly converse with your favourite celebrities who are verifying their accounts by the minute. In the end it’s up to what you’re looking for from your social site. To sum up, both can be used to make the world get to know you and for you to get the world. It’s just a question of whether you want to broadcast your opinion or extend an olive branch of friendship.

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