What Is Freedom | Teen Ink

What Is Freedom

March 30, 2016
By DanKu BRONZE, Sisseton, South Dakota
DanKu BRONZE, Sisseton, South Dakota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Fake people have an image to maintain. Real people just don't care"
-Hachiman, Hikigaya

Freedom to me means the happiness of families, the feeling of one belonging, and the joy of deciding you own path in life. When you walk by the park and see parents with their children, laughing and playing, many people do not think of that as freedom. I believe this is freedom in one of its finest forms. Love is just another form of freedom. Love is the ability to enjoy someone else of your choosing. All people have had a taste of freedom, whether they make their own decisions or not, people cannot control what one loves.

Freedom is found everywhere in life. Choosing if you want to join an after school club, deciding what clothes to where, planning your future, and how you act are all examples of freedom. Even arguing is a freedom. Having the ability to think what you wish and state your opinions, the ability to debate your opinions with society, this is freedom.

Freedom also takes the form of free will. In history many fought and today many still fight for what they believe to be just. Wars happen because of “freedom”. When people have different views of the world they fight for that view using the excuse of freedom. Freedom from oppression. Freedom from others beliefs. Freedom from tyrants, dictators, unjust rulers, it is all the same. Some might want freedom from the world they know. They want to be free of the world and go to a place where they can choose what to think. Freedom is the will of the people.

Freedom is emotions of humanity. Love, hate, sorrow, joy, depression. Freedom branches from families, communities, societies, religions, culture, race, countries, and continents. If I were to describe freedom, I would say freedom is war, peace, emotions, family, friends, communities, beliefs, justice, race, religion, and, in a broad term, freedom is humanity itself.

Freedom to me is the act of humanity thriving and living in this world, together.

The author's comments:

No one can give or take away your freedom, that it is as much a part of you as your flesh and bones. You will always have freedom, you just have to find it for yourself.

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