Dogs: Are They Just Animals? | Teen Ink

Dogs: Are They Just Animals?

April 26, 2016
By Anonymous

Imagine you are stressed and you feel like you are not wanted in the world. No one is there for you when you come home from school or work. No one is there to dry your tears and help you push through life. That is life without a dog. People think of dogs as a way to improve lives. Dogs are friendly creatures that are man's best friend. They are known for supplying endless love, exercise, and calming vibes. They truly are like family. Having a dog will improve a person’s life because they relieve stress and depression, show unconditional love, and increase exercise.

To begin, dogs improve people’s lives because they relieve stress and depression. Many humans become stressed and depressed when they are overworked and underpaid. They try many different ways to relieve their troubles, but they do not realize that they can purchase a dog. People with dogs will be more calm, relaxed and happy. Petting dogs can be soothing. People without dogs can feel alone and depressed. With a dog, they know that someone is waiting for them at home. Also, Rebecca Johnson, the director of the Research Center for Human-Animal Interaction at the University of Missouri said, “A lot of cities and municipalities are using service dogs in courtrooms for children,” she said. “I really want to identify whether [it is] a stress reducer or not” (Klass). When dogs are in a courtroom, it will help the kids feel more open to participating. Kids will feel more secure and calm with lovable dogs by their side. Therefore, dogs will be able to reduce stress and depression in kid’s courtrooms. Finally, even though dogs are friends that love to play, “Stroking, hugging, or otherwise touching a loving animal can rapidly calm and soothe us when [one] stressed or anxious.”  Dog’s fur is very soft and calming. They can provide humans with a calm feeling that can prevent stress and depression. Dogs can be a good reliever because of their friendly demeanor. Some dog owners say people can end up in a mental state of depression when their dog dies because they grow close to it (Gotlieb). When dogs die, it is like losing a family member. Past history has shown, even though a dog’s death is a depressing time, people will be able to remember all the memories they had with their dog. They will know that their dog is in a better place. Eventually, they can purchase a new dog. Overall, a dog improves people's lives because it can prevent stress and depression.

Additionally, dogs can improve a person’s life because they show unconditional love. Many people do not receive the love they need. Dogs can help solve that problem. Children that have a disability, find it hard to interact with other humans, so they usually have a strong bond with their dog (Klass). Children that have a hard time talking with others can talk to their dogs instead. Therefore, dogs show unconditional love towards children with disabilities. Also, Dr. Melson, a professor of human development and family studies at Purdue said, “The animal is available when [people] come home from school,” she continued. “Some species will give [them] at least the illusion of unconditional acceptance — at least, if [the person] have a treat in [their] hand” (Klass). When kids come home from school, they need a companion to help them power through their afternoon. With a dog, they know someone is there for them when they need it most. Next, Help states that dogs can be good companions because “Most dog and cat owners talk to their pets, some even use them to work through their troubles. And nothing beats loneliness like coming home to a wagging tail and wet kisses” (HelpGuide). When adults come home from a hard day at work, it is nice to have a dog that can comfort them and show compassion. Therefore, dogs show unconditional love when they provide a friend. Those who dislike canines say that dogs do not always show love to people. Even though it seems like dogs love humans, “Food is the grand motivator” (Gotlieb). However, they do not realize that at least dog do show love. When people have food in their hand, dogs will pay attention to them more, but at least they show love towards them. Thus, even if people have a treat in their hand, dogs will be able to give them unconditional love. Therefore, a dog can improve a person's everyday life because it can provide unconditional love.

Lastly, having a dog will improve a person's life because they increase exercise. So many people hate exercising. With a dog, people can become motivated to exercise. Obese children will lose more weight when they are motivated to walk their dog (Klass). Children spend most of their time indoors instead of exercising outside. When obese children buy a dog they are motivated to walk it. While they are playing with their dogs, they are exercising without even knowing. Having a dog will increase exercise because they allow obese children to lose weight. Also, Dogs can increase people's exercise and keep them and their pet very healthy . Not only will it help people lose weight but it will also keep them healthy. With dogs, many people are able to find the time to exercise with their pal. Therefore, dogs will improve human’s lives because they help increase their exercise and keep them healthy. Nextly, Harvard Health Publications say that “Public housing residents who walked therapy dogs for up to 20 minutes five days a week lost an average of 14.4 pounds in a year, without changing their diets.” The shows that people who did not change their diet plan, but walked a dog, lost more pounds than people without a dog. Dogs increase exercise because they allow people to exercise, but still keep their same diet plan. Some dog owners say that when they go on vacation or take a road trip, they need to pay someone or some company to take care of their dog (Gotlieb). However, people know the joy of walking their dog. When they go on vacation and come back, they will appreciate their time with their dog more than they did before. Therefore, people will increase their exercise. Thus, dogs can improve everyday life because they can promote exercise.

As aforementioned, dogs can improve people’s lives. This is because they can reduce stress and depression, help encourage exercise and provide unconditional love. If people are worried about their lifestyle, getting a dog can strengthen their emotional, physical and psychological problems. Dogs are very popular all around the world because they provide so many benefits to everyday lives. They are known as a best friend. In a world without dogs, many people can commit suicide from feeling depressed, overweight and not loved. They will not be able to find other ways to easily cope with their problems like dogs can. Everyone should deserve the joy of having a dog because they can help people with their lives.

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