The problem is you, not social media | Teen Ink

The problem is you, not social media

May 16, 2016
By Anonymous

Everyday the world changes. Technology has advanced over the years, and communication has gone from handwritten letters, to texting on a little screen. Social media has been a very big part of these changes. With this comes many different opinions, both good and bad. Social media has benefitted the world in numerous ways. From keeping in touch with family or anyone, to actually being able to speak up, social networking has made life a lot easier for tons of people.

To most, family is a really important key to life. But keeping in touch isn’t always so easy. Some have the luxury of living rather close to family, but others have to plan trips which cost both money and a lot of time. Luckily, there are applications such as Skype, Oovoo, and Tango. These apps are like social media, that you can call, video chat, or just chat in general. These apps are effective way to keep in touch with siblings, cousins, which helps our communication. It doesn't necessarily have to be used for just family, though! Today, business meetings, doctor checkups, and even checking up with teachers, can and have been done using these applications. This kind of social media has been very useful and helpful to all and will continue to better our communication.

Being an introvert really stinks. Being one myself, I normally don’t like to share my opinions out loud but instead keep them to myself. There are tons of other people like this who never get to sit down in a class, or a meeting and just say what they feel. Social media has made this easier for lots of introverts. Anywhere from Facebook to Twitter, we can share our mind by statuses, group, or comments. Not only are theses sites good for sharing opinions, but also talking and meeting new people. Although, that may not always be the best way to meet new people, if the correct precautions are at place, than it can be great! I personally have met awesome people, who I have grown close to and enjoy talking to.

Many believe social media has worsened grammar, spelling and talking in general. But believe it or not, tons of new words are formed on social networking. That and there are lots of sites that give definitions, correct spelling, synonyms and antonyms. Most teens CHOOSE not to use words correctly, or to correctly spell things. They take the lazy way out and make things up as they go. But those of us who actually care, know how and when to use words etc. Not to forget, some people lack correctness online, but not in person or with someone important when it really matters. There's always a correct time for everything.

Social media has helped communication in many very effective ways. There are more than a few, and the list could go on and on. Although, some may argue that social media has and continues to ruin the way we talk, it actually if used correctly, can help people of all ages.

The author's comments:

This is about social media's effect on communication. 

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