Why Bullying is Bad | Teen Ink

Why Bullying is Bad

November 2, 2018
By Anonymous

Being a bully is not fun if you bully someone start calling them means names or pushing them the other person will start to cry sometimes or get mad and tell teacher sometimes they will fight back. If someone see's someone else getting bullied then they should report it to the office or to any adults,teachers at schools,principles so they could go talk to the bully and see what he or she bullying the other student or a kid from outside of school.

Being a bully is not fun it makes the victim look crazy,mean,uncarrying and he/she could be a dreadful no one should be bullying anyone it is not fun,funny to bully some one by how they act,look and dress up.

(Tell a techer/adults if you see someone getting hurt or bullied by some one at school or outside of school)

The author's comments:

like to hang out with baby sister she and funny and cool to hang out with i also like to listen to music and sleep if i got nothing else to do and hang out with my friends.

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