Please, pretend as if I do not exist. Is it so hard? | Teen Ink

Please, pretend as if I do not exist. Is it so hard?

September 19, 2022
By Anonymous

It was recess time, so I was reading a book when a group of my classmates came to my desk. I remember hearing them saying that they are bored and guess what? They decided to have some “fun” by making sexist jokes about me which they knew will hurt me. I tried so hard to keep reading the book until their jokes became unbearable to listen to. Just breathe and calm down. Soon the lesson will start, and you will be on your own. “Hey, you know we are joking” one of them sat on the chair near me, he had a smug smile on his face that I wanted to erase, so badly. “It is not jokes – it is sexism, which makes me feel uncomfortable. Do you even differ jokes from insults?” – my blood started boiling, don’t they get that their “jokes” are hurtful? “Oh sorry, I forgot that women do not get them.” They all started taunting me again. Suddenly, I felt insecure and vulnerable, all I wanted at that moment was for them to go away or for me to disappear.

Even though every day in school was like torture for me which was supposed to break me from the inside, I have learned how to stand up for myself. I have admitted that bullies mock those who differ from them, and you might think that this is your problem, your weakness when in the reality this unique trait is one of your strengths. Do not let the bully take that from you.

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