Cell phones are the main reason students suffer with mental health | Teen Ink

Cell phones are the main reason students suffer with mental health

June 3, 2024
By 24rieluc BRONZE, Manchester, Connecticut
24rieluc BRONZE, Manchester, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Social media causes people to isolate themselves from social interaction because people feel that they could just text their friends on there phone instead of actually having social interaction.”Scrolling on your phone is a great way to unwind, but it could also be a way to avoid spending time with yourself and exploring wants, needs, and frustrations” says Sean Grover 2023. Your cell phone can entertain you for hours. You can play games, watch shows, text friends and more.Some students feel as if all they need is their cell phones and they forget about school work. When someone is constantly checking their phone for notifications or browsing social media, it takes away from the time they should spend on tasks related to their job or studies, says theory bands.

Cell phones cause grades to drop and students to suffer with depression.

Cyber bullying within social media also plays a major role in mental health with students.On social media you can say whatever you want in seconds because of how fast it is to communicate.While scrolling on social media we see pictures of people with a “perfect body” and it sets a standard for how we feel like we should look and be like.It can cause body dysphoria in teens and that can lead to more underlying mental issues.

Body dysmorphia can affect everyone in many different ways and social media opens more opportunity to feel worse about ourselves.Sometimes i look at social media and wish i was skinnier or shorter some people i know wish there stronger after watching gym videos on instagram.Not all things we see on social media are real and we shouldn't compare ourselves to social influencers online.Most influencers edit their photos and lie about their lives leading a fake narrative for us to follow and look up to.

When people constantly compare their lives to what they see on social media it can lead to increased feelings of worthlessness which can eventually turn into depression.And when you choose to stay away from your phone you can feel withdrawal symptoms away from social media.

When you take a phone away from a teenager they turn angry and frustrated being away from their phone for along period of time.Anxiety is increased when u take away a cell phone from a teen.When i get my phone taken i feel like the world is coming to an end because i use my phone for everything but it takes a toll on my mental health and I wish it was easier to get rid of cell phone addiction but it's almost as powerful as a drug addiction except phones are legal.

The addiction of a cell phone has the same powerful mental health effects on teenagers and it affects school performance and mental health.Cell phones are a big part of our lives now and we need to learn healthy ways to put our phones down and enjoy life while we're living.

Cell phones are horrible for you mentally. 

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