Why let this happen? | Teen Ink

Why let this happen?

March 25, 2013
By Chelsdavis BRONZE, Newhaven, Other
Chelsdavis BRONZE, Newhaven, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you want an interesting party sometime, combine cocktails and a fresh box of crayons for everyone. - Robert Fulghum.

Bullying. The word even makes me angry. As a victim of bullying I obviously want to help make it stop as everyone else out there hopefully. People who bully try to act bigger and harder than the victim when actually, they are smaller and weaker. They could have problems going at home or they could be bullied as well. These types of things are all listing numbers of why bullies bully. Bullying can get really sick in some cases such as physical. As much as physical bullying hurts, all the other types can hurt just as much. All that bullies want to achieve out of bullying is 'power'. So if you're a bully, or witnessing this take place, then please please think about what you're doing and tell the truth.

The author's comments:
What inspired me to write this piece is as a past victim of bullying, I feel it is very inappropriate for this kind of behaviour to carry on throughout the years. Forms of bullying can be frim anyone, a stranger, a family member, etc. Bullying someone can cause them to become depressed, do you think bullies have ever thought about that? Depression leads to medication, which can lead to self-harm and even suicide. It can also make them very stressed and confused. Statistics show that if you are getting bullied, you are 15% more likely to start harmful substances such as smoking, alcohol and drugs than if you are the bully. If someone is being bullied because of their weight, this can cause them to make major changes about their appearance. They could stop eating to eventually become anorexic, leading to other eating disorders. This can aso happen visa versa, if you are already anorexic or something similar it can make you put on weight as you force yourself to eat.

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