Dark, and Light | Teen Ink

Dark, and Light

April 5, 2013
By Anonymous

When people think of bullying, we tend to think very black and white. You are a bully. You are a victim. and everyone else is there, a bystander.

Everything is so cookie cutter and institutional that it makes me sick. Life isn't sectioned off like that. People have these things called emotions that

make everything more complicated. There is light and dark in everything.

A victim could provokes a bully, a victim can also be a bully. And in the same way, there is a light to bullying as well.

If, you yourself were bullyed, think back to those times. They were probably horrible times, times you wish had never happened, but think, what if

those times HAD never happened. Who would you be? I don't want to sound like an old geezer but, It builds character. Think of those brainless popular girls

who idiotically follow the herd. Their character certainly hasn't been built (yet, I have hope for everyone). and the reason is, they weren't bullied.

Now of course bullying, is awful, but it's not simply awful, it's very complicated. We all complain how it "ruined our life" but, we wouldn't be

living this life without it. Bullying creates character and helps us build up the strength to truly be ourselves, so many of the best people were created

through bullying and pain, that it is hard to see the bad side sometimes.

Now, I know this article won't end up in any book. The cookie cutter is aggravating, but apparently effective. But, if you're reading this, you read

that, and if you read it, that's one more person who will (hopefully) appreciate the dark and light.

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