The Nobody | Teen Ink

The Nobody

May 8, 2013
By tyrah713 BRONZE, London, Other
tyrah713 BRONZE, London, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She goes by no name. Nor has any friends. She sits alone watching everyone else smile and laugh. She looks at her own reflection tears flowing from her eyes. Just wishing, praying that one day she could just have one friend. Everything moving in slow motion right before her eyes. Being reminded how she’s not pretty or worth enough. She reached her tipping point. She wanted to feel no more pain. No more sorrow. She stands counting 5-4-3-2-1… Following a loud thump to the floor. Her body struggles for one last breath. Her right leg twitches. Finally. Her pain is gone.

The author's comments:
I got the ideal when I was watching something on television, and it inspired me to write this short story.

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