The Sides of Me | Teen Ink

The Sides of Me

June 21, 2013
By Anonymous

I was scared of her.
She hurt me, made me want to die. She made sure to tell me I wasn't perfect and she made me feel like I wasn't worth it.

I liked it when she was quiet.
She went away when I smiled, laughed, and had fun. It was like she didn't exist, or never did.

Then something would go wrong.
I'd get upset and she would come back.
"You weren't supposed to be happy."
"Nobody would care if you died."
"You were a mistake."
"Somethings wrong with you."

I would try to cut, I thought of ways to kill myself. But, I couldn't do it. I would feel good again and she went away. A better girl came along.
She told me I was worth it, and to look to your future, when you were living your dreams. She reminded of the people that do love me. I liked to spend most of my time with her.

These girls are me.
They live in my head.
The evil one is dead.

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