Revolution Untold | Teen Ink

Revolution Untold

July 12, 2013
By AshleeJo BRONZE, Auburn, Washington
AshleeJo BRONZE, Auburn, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Cyber-bullying; the act of electronically posting mean spirited messages about a person. For such a small definition, cyberbullying is a major problem that happens every day all across America. According to recent studies done by a corporation that itself encourages the use of social media to students, the i-SAFE foundation, found that over half of all teenagers have been cyber-bullied and about the same number of teens have acted on bullying others. Cyber-bulling can be a result of abuse at home, wanting to control a life not their own, even just trying to fit in with the everyday “norms”. Out of all adolescents, young teenagers have been most commonly the ones to be targeted with cyber-bullying. Living in the world of the twenty first century, the internet is a fast and easy way to bully. We can hardly walk anywhere without hearing the spontaneous and surprising sounds of an iPhone or seeing the flashy logos of Facebook and Twitter showing up in our lives, craving for attention.

Using social media, is an amazing advantage or a life killing disadvantage, all in one package. Social media helps scholars learn about the world, it prevents littering of newspapers and creates easier communication. The bright lights and LED screens stimulate our brains, giving us quicker and faster results of word documents, excel worksheets, and PowerPoint presentations. We have gone from stones and ink to flat screens, backlights, sounds, and popups. We have evolved from the Stone Age to the technology generation, the revolution of ourselves as people and the revolution of convenience. Although good, these software’s have created an outlet of yet another easy outlet for our thoughts but a bad way at that. Instead of whispering raspy rumors, with just the type of a few keys and the thump of our thumbs on the space bar, we are able to degrade our peers and make them feel useless. Make them feel like they don’t deserve a chance at endless possibilities life has to offer. Power. A famous and well-known actor and playwright once said; “Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself.” –Harvey Fierstein.
We need to engrave these words into the minds of bullies that try to act at the top of their game because if this continues, the death rates of our future leaders, presidents, and congressmen will continue to rise and no one will ever be equal. You make them feel worthless and unwanted, a feeling no one should ever have to deal with. And with these words, I want all of the tiny handed children, trendsetting teens, and even grown and responsible adults with the lines of detailed life showing on their skin to know that you are beautiful, you are strong, and you aren’t the weak one, the writers of these awful messages are the weak ones, and they are the people who will never understand the true meaning of life; being yourself.

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