Life. | Teen Ink


July 29, 2013
By breanna E BRONZE, Albany, New York
breanna E BRONZE, Albany, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Life is nice life is right, too much life can be just right,
Life is new life is old, life can just be so damn cold.
You can be happy you can be sad,
Just remember to be glad.
Something's you can choose,
And some are givenven to you .
Life can be good life can be bad.
You can get consequesnces if you are mad.
If you're good and you are pure,
Good things will happen to you I am sure.
The little things aren't that bad.
Just be happy with what you have,
There are others who envy you.
They want to live life like they once had,
They want to be happy and not sad.
Their plife may have been bad.
Because the just got mad,
Others just want to be you.
They just want to live their lives exactly the same as you,
So don't forget to live your life the way you want to.
Because you only have this once,
Don't take the hard way of figuring it out how,
Just remember you only get one life,
And that life is now.

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