The years I spent trying to help you | Teen Ink

The years I spent trying to help you

July 30, 2013
By Anonymous

I tried to help you
Tried to open your eyes
Tried to show you that you are worth so much more than what they've made you become
They made you a mask with a fake smile painted on it
They painted it bright red so everyone could see how happy you were
But I knew
What everyone else looked past, I chose to see
Because your mask had holes cut in it for your eyes
Your eyes turned dark
And lifeless as your innocence faded faster than mine
And I knew
And I tried to help you, you let me help, but when they came back, you put your mask back on because you didn't want them to hurt you like they hurt the other kids who wouldn't listen.
Cornering them.
Beating them.
Even when they screamed for it to stop, blood rushing down their body, they wouldn't stop.
So you wore your mask.
Every day was a masquerade and each night was a sneak around as I did everything I could
Every fiber in our bodies burned for escape, but you couldn't do it.
And I know now that everything I do will never be enough.
And your mask remains.

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