BeRated | Teen Ink


August 2, 2013
By Tiffany Chang BRONZE, Diamond Bar, California
Tiffany Chang BRONZE, Diamond Bar, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I wanna be your most prized possession-
Your very own china doll collection
Ebony raven hair and ivory- pearl porcelain complexion.
But my wanderlust eyes are now troubled as ever!
Gold and silver line my heart
I thought I could wear it upon my sleeve forever.
Instead you chased me out of my dollhouse
Pawned me for some 1908 vintage rhinestone earrings:
Of nesting swans, dangling.
My new residence-Richardson’s Lane
Curtains closed, doors locked pretty lights above me
Rays of spectrum perform a spectacle of chasing starbursts I only see.
Trapped in this curio,
Situated in the middle row,
I guess second best is all I’ll ever know.

Ballerinas pirouette en pointe
Fur Elise resonates from the Russian music box
Making it hard for me to sleep.
Life spins uncontrollably;
I fall deep.
Topaz stone-embellished egg encapsulated in Swarovski crystals
The face inside reports 9:11.
But truth be told, I lost track of time.

I miss the life of dolce vita:
When every breath of life could not have been sweeta!
Call it first class, royal bourgeoisie
Allowed me to accompany you for tea.
Marveled at effervescent bubbles floating in champagne,
Adorned me with bows,
You held me in vain.
I was your glory and pride.
Midnight strolls in the neighborhood park were by your side.
You rewarded me with truffle, kisses, crème brulee
I was only for your display.
Velvet hems stitched onto floral pressed calico dresses
Perfection, they say
Strings unattached to messes.

You loved me for my rosy cheeks,
The way I batted my lashes.
Sorry I couldn’t win you first prize at the local fair
A blue ribbon we never got to share.
Sorry I only brought you shame,
Sorry I only brought you disappointment.
My showtime’s over,
Our deal is done.
I tried, I really did.
I may be 16, but I’m still a kid.
You pushed my away, with a shove,
When All I really wanted was your Love.

The author's comments:
Some words encourage. Some words hurt. Through my teen years, I've had to deal with verbal and emotional abuse so my heart goes out to those who feel tormented or like there's no way out. It's hard to have someone in your life who doesn't respect your aspirations, tell you you're not good enough for anyone, blame you for all the wrongs in life, compare you to others, or target what's left of your self confidence by using harmful words.You can never expect that someone to change, but you can begin by looking at yourself with a fresh pair of eyes.

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