Escape | Teen Ink


August 21, 2013
By Catherine16 BRONZE, Covington, Louisiana
Catherine16 BRONZE, Covington, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You can't fly away if you are chained down-The Dark Angel

You are shoved and pushed in the halls between classes. You hide in the library everyday during lunch to avoid having food shoved in your face when you walk through the cafeteria doors. You keep your head down and walk quickly through the halls hoping you won't be tripped. Kids stick kick me signs on your back just for laughs. You stare at the ground anytime the teacher says work with another person. You never get invited tothe popular kids' parties. All you want to do is escape. You are afraid but in real actuality the bullies should be afraid because you are going to be the one who is going to be owning the company and they are going to be the parents who try to live there lives through their kids. You will be stronger after all this and come out on top. The bullies should want to ESCAPE from what they are and what they are becoming.

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