Walk Heavy | Teen Ink

Walk Heavy

October 7, 2013
By Anonymous

Once upon a time there was a girl named Blue
Whom everyone saw to have no value
No one ever sought to even have a clue
Of what young blue was going through.

They called her a mistake
And said she was fake
Thinking attention is what she sought to take.

Feeling so hated
Blue sat and waited
To one day be exulted
From among the unwanted.

But the day never came.
It was always the same.
“Only I am the blame
For the shame to my name.”

“So why am I here?
I’m nothing but a queer.
Nothing but a smear,
To them, that’s how I appear.”

Yesterday, students went on to continue
They’re daily routine of their usual venue.
Never recognizing or coming to rue
The suicide of poor young Blue.

The author's comments:
Based on a true story.

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