Behind The Lies | Teen Ink

Behind The Lies

November 16, 2013
By KaylaE. BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
KaylaE. BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Do you see that girl? The one that constantly has a smile on her face? The girl that rarely complains about anything, and tries so hard to comfort friends who are constantly coming to her with their problems? Do you see her?

Have you ever stopped to take a minute to think about her? How she feels? Constantly bombarded with the pain of others, when she can barely hold herself together; she feels like the weight of the world is on her shoulders.

All of the laughter you see, all of the smiles you get, they are all fake. She's depressed, and doesn't want anyone to know. You see her smile and think “there’s no way she’s depressed. She wouldn’t be able to smile if she was.” The truth is, even when you are really depressed, every once in a while, something goes through your mind, and you decide that you don’t want anyone to find out, because no one would understand, and everyone would constantly be spitting inspirational quotes in your face. You hide it, because how can you explain something that has stripped you of you emotions to someone who has so many?

That girl cuts herself. Hides the scars. And when someone sees them, she says that her cat scratched her. That girl cries herself to sleep every night, not because she is sad, but because she doesn’t know what else to do. Her emotions are gone, and she can’t feel, but she still cries. She cuts herself hoping to feel again, but all it does is leave a scar of something she wished to forget.

Do you see the scars?

Have you heard the lies?

Do you see her pain?

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