Haters Be Hating | Teen Ink

Haters Be Hating

January 6, 2014
By JonathanEpiscopo BRONZE, Tuckerton, New Jersey
JonathanEpiscopo BRONZE, Tuckerton, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You can tune a piano, but you can't tune a tuna"

Haters Be hating
Oh they be hating
So hard, oh so Hard
They Talk about you
Ruin your reputation
Haters, why you gotta Hate?
They are plentiful in Society
They are cold hearted, and unforgiving
They are everywere, and everyone
Even your parents
They call you names,
Mock you
Put you down
Hurt You
Make you feel worthless
Haters, why you be Hating?
Oh, how the haters, hate so
They have not a care in the world
They don't care who you are, or what your orientation is
The only thing they care about, is putting you down.

Haters be Hating, oh yes how they be hating

We find ourselves trapped, amungst the haters
They get inside our head, and permeate our souls
We wouldn't expect the ones we love to be haters, but oh how they truly are
But one day,
Oh one glorious day
We will Rise
Oh yes, we will rise
Children, be at ease
For the haters will Crumble
And we will rise
Oh how the haters be hating

But we stronger
We are lovers
And we are here to stay

The author's comments:
I would like this poem to be dedicated to teens like myself, who are constantly put down by others around them. It doe get better, I promise, you just need to ignore the haters, even though sometimes it seems hard, and people want to make you fail. If you try, you will succeed!

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