Ranting About Bullies | Teen Ink

Ranting About Bullies

August 11, 2014
By Anonymous

I was always bullied. It was a struggle that I had. It started in school; that was actual bullying. Calling me names and such. It made me start to hurt myself. I was only in elementary school.

Then 'they' came. 'They' being, voices in my head. Telling me how wrong I am, all the things I did were stupid, and all that. That's my bully. I saw him, too. It's scary, thinking that you're crazy. It's creepy, also. Who would think a girl like me would be put in the hospital for a mental illness? Not once, but twice. There have been times when it was almost a third.

My bully is stupid. I hate him. Mostly because I can't retaliate. It's not fair, it never was. Bullying is a terrible crime, and taken so lightly. Kids are KILLING themselves because of that. And do you know what schools do? Nothing. Not in my area. It's not fair to the families that have to bury their child because of bullying.

The bullies in my head are different than the ones that are human. But, they still do the same thing. They mentally hurt you- by calling you names. They also physically hurt you- by them hitting the victim or the victim hurting themselves.

Bullying is serious. Don't take it lightly. It's not fair to the ones who are stuck with that. And if you're a bully, you need to stop. I was a bully, and I got in trouble for it. You can get put in jail. Just don't do it.

Bullying is a terrible thing that no one should go through. It's not your fault.

Be who you want to be.

The author's comments:
This was a rant that I had in mind. Maybe the bullies will realize that hurting people is the wrong way to go.

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