Physical Therapy | Teen Ink

Physical Therapy MAG

By Anonymous

   I perform volunteer physical therapy for a woman named Lisa. Six years ago, she lost control of her car and now can't do anything for herself. For two years she lived in a rehabilitation center. Her parents were not happy with the care she was receiving; they took on the difficult task of caring for her in their home.

After my mom read in our church bulletin that Lisa needed volunteers for her therapy, she has helped Lisa for almost two years. One day last spring a volunteer called in sick and asked if I could take her place. I've been going every week since.

Three times a day, Lisa goes through a 60-minute therapy routine. Her limbs are stretched and moved to keep her muscles from atrophying. We do all sorts of stimulation under the supervision of a Certified Home Health Aide.

I was scared about going to see her for the first time. I wondered if it would bother me to see someone in this condition. At first I did feel a little weird, but I soon found that it didn't bother me at all. It actually felt pretty good to help someone.

I believe there is hope for Lisa. If everyone didn't think so, then there would not be so many volunteers, and everyone would not care so much about her. Sometimes the way she laughs tells you she's understanding us. I hope she doesn't give up trying to communicate. Miracles happen every day; we're waiting for Lisa's.

Helping Lisa is one of the most rewarding things I've ever done in my life. While giving something back to my community, I am helping someone and her family. I have learned to think before I take things for granted. And I always wear my seatbelt. Lisa can always use anyone's thoughts and prayers. fl

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i love this so much!