Love and Meth | Teen Ink

Love and Meth

February 11, 2014
By Gisselle Dominguez BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Gisselle Dominguez BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I found "Amy's" article "Love and Meth" extremely moving, because it takes a strong woman like her to do what she did. When you are in a relationship with someone who does any type of drugs you maybe in danger. Not only can they put your life in danger but they can pressure you into doing it as well. It's a very unhealthy environment to be around because if your partner does any type of drug they just turn into a different person. They turn into a person you don't love. When they're under the influence they might think its okay to verbally or physically hurt you. Look at the person you're with and ask yourself, "Is it really worth all the pain and disappointment?" Yes, its hard to leave them because all you want to do is help them change flip their life over for the best. Does it work? No. Its not worth it. No matter how much you try to help them its up to them to take it into consideration and change their live. For "Amy" it obviously caused her a lot of pain and she decided to change her life for the best. Thank you "Amy" for having the strength to walk away from someone who just disappoints. Live your life to the fullest, don't look back.

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