Enviornmental Problems | Teen Ink

Enviornmental Problems

April 1, 2024
By pkussow SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
pkussow SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If I had all of the resources in the world to fix the global environment, I would first build a giant machine on the sea that would trap the garbage and pick the garbage out of the sea. This machine would run solely on solar energy to conserve fossil fuels and reduce carbon emissions. This machine would have a system to make sure that fish and birds don’t get trapped in it. This would be placed around the world in areas with heavy pollution. The garbage in the ocean would help the fish and get rid of the trash that hundreds of thousands of fish die on yearly. This would help restore the ocean to its natural balance.

The next thing that I would do is plant trees all over the US and the rest of the world to reduce the amount of the world to help reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This would help global warming slow down help the ozone layer heal itself and bring the earth back to a state before the excess burning of fossil fuels. The trees would also create more forests and places for animals to live. This will help a population of animals especially after their environment might have gotten logged out.

The final thing I would do is inform people around the world about the animals in their section of the world and how to protect them. There are many endangered species of animals around the world that are vital to the environment. Informing people about these animals that are endangered and others that are pests to the environment can help the animals survive. I would press to get rid of the animals that are killing the others with no natural predators so they can’t take more out, endangering even more. This would help restore the natural balance of these animals and make the environment more healthy.

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