Clean Water | Teen Ink

Clean Water

April 1, 2024
By Anonymous

If I had all of the money in the world and I could help the environment I would make water cleaner and regularly available to everyone. I would do this to fix the issue of dirty water. There is a lot of energy used to get water clean, pump clean water to places, and in some situations no clean water at all. So I would make a portable cleaner that actually works and send them everywhere. I would do this because the issue is bad and not only do we need to clean our waters, humans need clean water too. It would help the wildlife in the water and it would also help humans. The energy used to clean water can be used for other things. It could create less emissions with the movement of priorities with energy. Ontop of drinking water the devices could be manufactured to be larger and installed in the oceans of fresh bodies of water to cycle water through and clean them. This could help a lot.

Although humans are affected too, they aren’t the only things affected. Animals are too. So with cleaner water it could help the slowing down of animal extinction. Extinction is on the rise for animals and clean water could stop diseases and viruses from being spread through water. 

Additionally, the cleaners that would be installed in bodies of water would be safe for animals overall. This not only means that the machines would not hurt the animals physically, but also not their habitats. For example, alligators; alligators need water to survive. Not just any water tho. You can’t just clean the water completely, it would take essentials for animals. Alligators need murky water to stay cool and hide from prey. So the cleaners would be a happy medium. 

Overall, the dirty water is and issue and needs to be fixed with the right precautions. 

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