Painting the World | Teen Ink

Painting the World

December 28, 2007
By Anonymous

The world is unlike any other
It's dark and dreary
Fun and joyus
Big and spacious
Harsh and cruel
It all depends on how you look at it

When you pain a picture of your world
Do you see joy, happiness, hope, calm, peace, and love?
Or do you see dark, scary, mean, heartless, dirty, cruel, and hard?

In many ways i could paint this world none of which would look the same

Im not talking about the outward apperance of kindness from a plastic globe you bought at a garage sale
Im talking about the inward apperance of WAR and PRETEND!

Face it this world is a painting of every which way
my way is every way
how would you paint your world?
black, grey, blue, green, pink, red, purple, orange, yellow, or blank?

Leaving it all to someone else who doesn't want to face the facts that world is different it's not all plesant but not heartless
its everything into one just paint your world your own color and maybe just maybe one day the world will be that blue color with green grass that looks peaceful on a plastic globe from a garge sale or it can be dark and drery like the color of coal before turning into the firey orange color of being used as a fuel.


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