Nature Encompasses a Wide Variety of Definitions | Teen Ink

Nature Encompasses a Wide Variety of Definitions

January 22, 2008
By Anonymous

Nature encompasses a wide variety of definitions. These definitions show the multiplicity of roles nature plays in our lives. The environment can be a playground for kids or a way to be separated from the chaotic world. When estranged from their chaotic lives, people can see a reflection of their emotions if they look for it. Not only do people need to look for it, the belief that emotions are reflected is essential in the presentation of sentiment. Our interactions and relationship with nature, as a solitary person, differs from one to another. Some people take the scenery, sounds, and smells of the outdoors for granted. Others cherish every view, crisp break of a branch, and smell of the aroma that nature provides. Nature is a basic state of existence, untouched and uninfluenced by civilization that is often neglected and undermined in value.

Nature is defined as the material world and its phenomena, the world of living things and the outdoors, a primitive state of existence, and the essential character of a person or thing; just to name a few. These definitions show the vast amount of roles nature plays in our everyday lives. Our lives are based off our surroundings. Without nature, where would we be? Nature is our playground where we can do what we want, where we want. As kids we use the outdoors as our playground. Sticks from trees turn into swords that can penetrate the unbreakable iron and the most rigid rocks. Forts made of rotting logs with mushy moss on them are the walls of a colossal castle. The terrain of the environment transforms from a forest to mountaintops and hilly fields to a sea of blue infested with sharks.

As we age, nature becomes less of a playground and more so a place to pass the time. People may pass time performing activities that make them feel youthful. Some feel that when they hunt, fish, hike, ect… that time stands still and they age no longer. Others use nature as place to be inactive. Movement isn’t needed to think and reflect upon a jumbled or hectic life. People that use nature to reflect can look for the emotions that dwell inside of them to take place in the area surrounding them. Someone who is peaceful can find it when everything seems to stand still and only an occasional chirp of a cricket and breeze of the wind to disturb the peace. Happiness is created when animals are stirring and playing around. Everyone has seen it, the two squirrels chasing each other, darting up and down from branch to branch without a care in the world. Sadness can be seen during a rain storm or just shortly after. The tears droplets that roll off of the leaves of the trees give an aura of sadness and despair. Anger and ferocity are found in a couple of different forms of nature. The power of waterfalls, hurricanes, tornadoes, and tsunamis show a great deal of anger. The destruction that is possible from these powerful forces can be devastating. All these emotions can be seen only if the person is looking for them.

Not only are emotions in nature present, the way we interact with other people are also present. The main interaction is survival of the fittest. People bite and claw their way up to the top in order to achieve the valued status and lifestyle. When plants grow they can not be under towering trees that take away light from seedlings that grow. In animals, the weak die off from being unfit for tough conditions or being weaker than another animal. A mother’s love and neglect for her children is portrayed in nature, predominately in mammals. A mother will fight to the death to save her offspring. Others have their young and just leave them to fend for themselves. The need for people to feel superior present in our lives and is just as present if not more so in nature. In most groups of animals, there are alpha males that feel the need to show their masculinity. One of the most prominent animals that use this alpha male agenda are the apes. The apes always have one alpha male that shows she is stronger and wiser than the rest. Is it not weird that apes are the closest relative to the humans?

Our beliefs in nature determine what our relationship with nature is. Relationships with nature vary from person to person. My relationship with nature can be described as the following: I feel like nature in my life can be taken for granted. I only pay attention to nature when it is right in front of me. I don’t seek beautiful scenery, but I do appreciate it when I see it and it takes my breath away. I love nature when I am in it. The beauty of nature cannot be falsely copied. You cannot get the feeling nature gives you anywhere else. Nature is my stress reliever and my source of immortality. Nature gives me comfort at the thought of death. I see nature and hope that my afterlife is as peaceful and beautiful as this.

All of emotions and interactions can be seen in nature only if people believe it is there. Nature is the base of everything in this world. If people neglect nature then they miss out on the beauty of nature’s way. The only way people can experience these majesties is to believe in them and to look for them. To look for the teardrops falling from the leaves after a fresh rain and believing that it symbolizes sadness. They need to look at the waterfall and the effects of hurricanes, tornadoes, and tsunamis and see the anger and wrath it brought and believe its there. The conviction that interactions are reflected in natures is an essential part of experiencing nature. These convictions do not make nature the majesty it is, nature does that on its own. These convictions only exemplify and exaggerate the beauty in one’s mind.

In conclusion, nature is a reflection of our emotions and interaction. Our relationships and beliefs are key in the coveting of nature. Nature’s role is defined in many ways and cannot be pinpointed to one thing. Our emotions and interactions are portrayed in nature, only if we believe in it. Our relationship with nature defines how we interact with nature. Only if we believe this possible, we will see the importance of nature and the role it plays in our lives.


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