Pounding Silence | Teen Ink

Pounding Silence MAG

By Anonymous

   The pounding waves of 'laska's coast

Were soon to feel the wrath

When tankers under U.S. flag

Left poison in their path.

Ocean waters of brilliant blue,

Harbor seals, sharks, and whales,

All would meet their needless death.

Nature dies when man fails.

The pounding waves of 'laska's coast

Churned up the slimy froth,

And oil slicks that spread for miles

Formed their deadly broth.

Ocean waves of brilliant blue

Underwent horrid change.

Nature's creatures turned black and slick

Whenever in the oil's range.

The pounding waves of 'laska's coast

Began to beat their dirge.

With each last gasp and final breath

life gave in to death's urge.

Ocean waters of brilliant blue

Were silenced by the weight

Of dark, thick slime and heavy mass

Spelling out coastal fate.

The pounding waves of 'laska's coast

Have silenced life for all;

Washed up shells of ocean life

Left to rot in the fall.

Ocean waters of sickening black

Remain to tell the tales

Of nature's dark and stormy death

Caused when man slips and fails.


This article has 1 comment.

i love this so much!