Recycle | Teen Ink

Recycle MAG

By Anonymous

   Recycle: have you ever thought of that word? I have. Just think of cycle, the cycle of life, the water cycle and many more. A lot of words start with or have cycle as its neighbor. Recycle is different. If we never cleaned up or recycled, you could kiss the other cycles good-bye, and say hello to the bad cycles. If we trash our waters, the water cycle would become the scum cycle. The waters would be ruined and nothing would be able to live in it except scum. If we trashed our lands, you could say good-bye to the life cycle and hello to nothing. We would ruin our earth and before you know it, there wouldn't be any place to live. We wouldn't be able to breath because of the smog. So you could be smart and think about the word recycle and do something about the trash everywhere or you might as well say good-bye to your friends and family while you can still breath and while you have the chance. ^


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i love this so much!