Our Oil Crisis | Teen Ink

Our Oil Crisis MAG

By Anonymous

   One of the most critical problems facing the United States and many other countries today is our dependence on oil for fuel. The United States is especially dependent on foreign oil. This problem is made even worse by the world's limited supply.

This is a major problem for the U.S. because of our lifestyle. We use oil for heating, transportation, electricity and many other things. The U.S. depends on foreign oil so much that when something threatens our supply, the prices skyrocket.

For people in general, the prices for oil and gasoline have been very high lately. People have no choice: either fill up your car or don't drive. However for my family, the oil crisis is a bigger problem. My fathers owns a gas station. Sure, you say that we get gas for less, but this is his livelihood, and with gas prices high, my father is losing business. So you see, our dependence on oil is a problem for everyone.

There are many possible ways we can solve this problem. One way is to try to find alternative energy sources. We could look into hydro-electric power, nuclear power, solar power, wind power and other possibilities. With a major alternative energy source, we would not have to cut out oil completely, but we would not be totally reliant on it anymore. We should also try to conserve oil. Use a blanket, build a fire, get more miles to the gallon: all of these things can help.

Our fossil fuels are running out and it is time to change our ways. We can conserve and use other energy sources. We can look to the future, where our children and grandchildren will have to live in a world without fossil fuels. The time to act is now. n


This article has 2 comments.

i love this so much!

Arti.M BRONZE said...
on Feb. 24 2017 at 2:18 am
Arti.M BRONZE, Tirana, Other
4 articles 0 photos 46 comments
Great writing piece!!