Animals Are Important | Teen Ink

Animals Are Important

March 22, 2013
By jordy camacho BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
jordy camacho BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Animal cruelty’’

I have a water turtles. I got him from a market store that sells animals illegally .They had turtles in a big cardboard box; there were dead fish in containers around the turtles they were selling. I saved that one turtle from dying. Animal cruelty affects humans and animals themselves. The purpose of this essay is to show the negative effects of animal cruelty.

People are to blame in animal cruelty. A lot of people have anger issues and they take their aggression out on their animals. The owners of the animals are violent and they are getting used to hurting innocent creatures. People will be mentally affected by their actions because when they start thinking it’s alright to be taking out their emotions out on their animals. They become very aggressive in their general.

Animals are negatively affected when they are abused. They become scared of people and may even try to hurt them. They might get traumatized and not even live a comfortable life. They can die from being scared or getting a heart attack, or in other cases they can become very aggressive to humans and other animals them self. Animal cruelty affects animals and believe it or not it also affects humans.

People are to blame for animal cruelty. A lot of people with their animals have anger issues and take their aggression out on their animals. The owners of their animals violent. They get used to hurting innocent creatures. People will be mentally affected by their actions because when they start thinking its right to take out their emotions out on their animals. They become very aggressive and it becomes part of their personality and our society.

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