Every Household Should Carry Out Recycling | Teen Ink

Every Household Should Carry Out Recycling

February 25, 2016
By Anonymous

Mankind have been living on this planet called Earth since ages ago. It might have not been obvious these past few centuries, but big changes in our planet have been happening, such as melting ice caps, global warming and the thinning of ozone layer. All of this issues originated from one source, that is the daily harming activities of humans. So, what can we do to stop this issue from worsening? One of the things that we could do to reduce the damage on our Earth is by recycling.


Recycling have been proven to give a big impact on reducing the littering and pollution around the Earth. It also saves the amount of trees that are being cut down to make papers. To ensure this, it was told by the government that every household should carry out recycling to save the Earth. This is because recycling is one of the easiest way to save the Earth and it is very easy to carry out at home. Firstly, we will have to sort out the items accordingly. Recycled items are usually divided into three groups, which are papers, plastics and aluminiums. After finished sorting them out! We would take it to the recycling centre for it to be recycled and processed into new things. Easy, right? Not only it requires little effort, it will also make the Earth a better place to live. We will get to contribute on helping to conserve the environment so that it will last a little bit longer.


We as organisms that are living on Earth should take care of our planet more and be aware of its condition. Ignorance will not get us anywhere, so we should give our Earth our most attention as its occupant. If we all world together to stop all of theses issues, we will surely get to stop it and live in a better world

The author's comments:

I wrote this essay to wake people up from their lullaby and get them to realize that the Earth will not last long if we keep on destroying it. I hope that by reading this essay, people will realize just how much does the Earth really worth and would keep it safe and sound together. Thank you.


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