The Causes of Global Warming and the Harmful Effects on Earth | Teen Ink

The Causes of Global Warming and the Harmful Effects on Earth

May 1, 2016
By multiplicatively BRONZE, Houston, Texas
multiplicatively BRONZE, Houston, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Global warming is the heating of the Earth’s atmosphere from greenhouse gasses. The gases get trapped in the atmosphere and our sun gradually heats our planet. As our atmosphere warms, global warming endangers our world. Because of the mass production of animal flesh, people not believing in global warming, and air pollution will lead to the loss of lives worldwide.

Many people in society believe that global warming is not real, but why? In the United States, more than thirty-one thousand scientists signed a petition expressing that humans are not a major cause in global warming, and over one thousand scientists stated that there is no global warming at all. Moreover, the efforts by the state governments to reduce global warming is extremely expense and breaking state budgets, so many are becoming suspicious on what the money is truly being used on. Although these components convince others that global warming is not genuine, there are plenty of elements that show that the international warmth of our planet is authentic. Records show that 2000 to 2009 was hotter than any other decade in the past 1,300 years. The hotter weather shows in the recent impacts that are heavier precipitation, accelerating sea level rise, and longer damaging wildfires. Although global warming currently may not show much violent impacts currently ,as time continues, we will be known of the harsh reality in the future of our planet.

Although many people may not be informed about this, the mass production of meat affects our atmosphere’s temperature by the organism’s gasses through the mouth and behind. In fact, emissions from livestock make up 18% of total release of greenhouse gases. A major greenhouse gas that affects our atmosphere is actually co2e, or carbon dioxide equivalent, which is a standard unit for measuring carbon footprints. A kilogram of beef releases 34.6 kilograms of co2e, a kilogram of lamb releases 17.4 kilograms,  and so on. 
1 Kg of Meat
Kg of co2e

In point of fact, 65% of total livestock emissions come from beef and dairy alone.  Although driving more fuel efficient cars and using energy-saving light bulbs are helpful, it is not as efficient as going vegan. United Nations also stated that raising animals for food is “one of the top two or three most significant contributors to the most serious environmental problems, at every scale from local to global.” This displays that our wide population of meat eaters may lead to the complete flooding of our continents. A 2013 Loma Linda University Study found that vegans have a greenhouse gas ‘footprint’ that is 41.6 smaller than a meat eater’s ‘footprint’, which shows a big difference in what a diet change can do to help our society. Slowly, United Kingdom citizens have already started taking steps into changing what they eat to prevent global warming from becoming extreme. There is an estimate of about 2% of Britain’s population is becoming vegetarian or some other type, which is about more than 1.2 million people. Although the mass production of animal flesh is a big factor in global warming, there are other ways that the Earth is being affected with greenhouse gasses.
Air pollution is a danger not only to our land, but also to our healthy lives. The air pollution makes it harder to breathe and becomes more dangerous for people with respiratory diseases like asthma. Some other life threatening dangers are heat exhaustion, heat stroke, cardiovascular disease, and kidney disease. In fact, air pollution kills more Americans on average than hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, and lightning combined. On a larger scale, air pollution also harms our planet by different types of gasses with some visible and some not visible that contributes to global warming. Although organisms release carbon dioxide when they exhale, carbon dioxide is a major pollutant when considered with cars, power plants, planes, and others that require humans to burn off fossil fuels like gasoline and natural gas used on stoves. Because of this, governments are taking steps to reduce the air pollution on Earth. One way governments are doing this is by Kyoto Protocol, which is an agreement between countries that they will cut back on carbon dioxide emissions. Industrialized companies are also working on ways to reduce smog, carbon dioxide emissions,  and smoke to improve health in their society.

For reducing, or possibly completely removing global warming from our world, we have to work together by doing small tasks or big tasks that will change our lifestyle. Some ways to do that would be conserving energy, carpooling, use efficiency light bulbs, and the simple stuff. A big way to reduce global warming would be to go vegan, as stated in the third paragraph. Going vegan would reduce 15% to 51%, as studies show a wide number range.  Although it may not sound much of a large number, it will impact global warming and decrease it so it’s not much of a threat to our lifestyles. Nasa predicted that civilization right now could be steadily heading towards a collapse within the next century. This means that millennials are potentially the last generation during which creating meaningful change is possible.

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