Shit Outta Luck | Teen Ink

Shit Outta Luck

May 19, 2009
By iScareBear GOLD, Macomb, Michigan
iScareBear GOLD, Macomb, Michigan
16 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
I am more than i appear...

Painful shoes… all girls have the same problem. The heels are just so cute so you try them on at the store band they feel awesome and they just look so good on your feet and they make your legs look good and like every pair of heels they lift your butt but these ones lift it just the right way. They make you look like total bombshell… an absolute knockout in fact. So you take your new beauties home and you prepare to wear them the next day top work or, since my situation is such, school. You are at school the next day and your feet are killing you. So thus you are severely s.o.l. So then when you so then you are sitting in your stupid business law class bare foot under your desk with those oh so cute heels sitting in a corner. Like I said… s**t outta luck.

The author's comments:
i am merely a simple girl living a simple life filled with simple days and only wanting you to love my simple ways.


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