Junk food + Bikini's = ewwww | Teen Ink

Junk food + Bikini's = ewwww

June 23, 2009
By Anonymous

We were moving. Again. This came as no surprise to me. I mean I have lived in several diffrent places throughout my life. Las Vegas, Alaska,back to Vegas, California, Montana, and now Florida. I haven't even graduated high school yet!
I could just be being selfish but I know I'm not. I feel like I need stability in my life. I had finally found that good group of friends. It was my first year at highschool. I had never been popular but I finally got a glimpse at the other side. Everyone wanted to be around me! Everyone wanted to talk to me! Everyone invited me to partys and such, but now I will have to start new.
The weeks leading up to the big move I was so worried. I'm not exactly the skinniest girl around, but don't get me wrong. I'm not fat. We were moving to Florida! Part of me was so excited for the great weather and hot guys! The other part of me was dreading having to wear bikini's. Hey in Florida bikini's are a must. I had to figure out a sillution.
I started to work out and eat better. In a few weeks I felt great! By the time we were in Florida I was much more confident. I still wasn't so sure about a bikini though. The other day I dicided to go shopping. Maybe something so revealing just wasn't me. I bought this really cute tankini and I felt awesome. Who cares what other people think about me? Just as long as I feel healthy and happy.

The author's comments:
I hope this article will help and motivate other girls to become healthier and happier inside and out!

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This article has 1 comment.

vivaladolce said...
on Jul. 22 2009 at 1:12 am
vivaladolce, Sarasota, Florida
0 articles 0 photos 7 comments
great article! I love how you try to encourage other girls to be healthy. Way to write from your heart!