Mentally Healthy | Teen Ink

Mentally Healthy

January 26, 2012
By Palestinian BRONZE, RICHARDSON, Texas
Palestinian BRONZE, RICHARDSON, Texas
2 articles 4 photos 0 comments

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The key thing here is to not give up,not to give up in life,not to give up with anything legal in the state of law, the reason i say legal in the state of law is because some people will go out there and say "hey they told me not to give up so i'm not going to give up drugs". you guys probably think that's crazy but you don't know how many people will say that for an excuse. Another reason to give up is if you had a break up, especially if he/she broke up with you.just let them go don't go don't start crying or anything its not worth it!Just put a smile on your face and go out with your friends, have fun ! reasons not to give up are many!! imagine everyone in the world gives up on every thing do you think you will have clothes , shoes,cars,and fresh bottled water? people make that happen if its not people then its factory machines but people made the machines!A life without nothing not even homes!the U.S. military did not give up, if you wanted to be in the U.S. military you kept giving up your not going to the U.S. military.You see how much giving up will put you on the line! Please vote and comment ! and the question i have for you is what will you do if you know you will not fail? Answer below!

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