Benefits of Milk | Teen Ink

Benefits of Milk

February 26, 2014
By SandraR SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
SandraR SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Pron con did a test and they said that a twenty year study of 5,700 men between the ages of thirty five and sixty who drink at least one third of a pint a milk a day have a eight percent less chance of getting a heart diseases. There is a lot of vitamins and good stuff in milk there is also a lot of different types of milk and a lot of benefits from drinking milk for the human body.

First, Milk had different types of vitamins in it and some of those are, Vitamin A which helps the eye site and the immune function of the human body. Next, Vitamin C which helps the formation of healthy connective tissues,also milk has Vitamin D. Milk also has calcium in it which keeps bones and teeth strong. According to Bazilling 99 percent of the body's calcium is stored and many studies have shown that calcium in milk helps done density. Bazillin also said that around the age of thirty our bodies bones don't consume as much calcium as in the younger life. So it is very important to get as much calcium when we are in our youth and some what into adulthood but don't stop drinking milk then keep drinking it.

Second, there is some different types of milk, for people that their body can't have regular milk. They drink silk almond milk it still has calcium protein and vitamins and from silk it says that it has fifty percent more calcium than regular dairy milk. And silk milk does not have any dairy in it also. There is also different types of regular dairy milk, whole milk, skim milk, and two percent milk. They all have something different but they all are still really healthy. Whole milk is about three percent milk fat and is good for babies that are staring the drink regular milk it helps there brain develop better says Admin in 2009. Two percent low fat milk just has less milk fat. One percent low fat has even less milk fat and is good for people on diets says Admin. There are many more benefits of drinking milk to.

Third, milk is the number one most popular drink and it has many benefits in to and for our bodies. A person that drinks milk tends to be thinner than people that don't drink milk because it has less sugar, calories and, fat in it says Bazillin. Milk is beneficial but to make it more beneficial everyone should drink at least three eight ounce glasses a day. Bazillin also says that drinking three glasses of low fat or nonfat milk a day can get you a hundred percent of your calcium for a day. Milk is also beneficial because it is low in sodium and provides a lot of nutrients. So everyone should drink at least tree glasses of milk a day to keep our bodies strong and healthy.

There are many benefits in milk , vitamins in milk, and types of milk. To keep our bodies strong and healthy we need to take care of them and one way to do that is to drink milk at least three eight ounce glasses everyday and we will get all the calcium we need and vitamins that are in milk and that is how milk is healthy.

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