food dangers | Teen Ink

food dangers

May 11, 2015
By madsoccer21 SILVER, Rolla, Missouri
madsoccer21 SILVER, Rolla, Missouri
9 articles 0 photos 1 comment

All kids want to do is eat. about one third of children six to nineteen are obese. Obesity could depend on what you eat and how much you exercise. It could also be specified by gender, race, and age. Some problems could also be paternally influenced.

According to the Mayo Clinic staff child obesity is a serious medical condition. It effects a child if they are above normal weight for their age and height. Extra pounds can start children on a dangerous route to a serous medical condition.


CDC thinks skin conditions such as acne, fungal infections, and heat rash can occur. Bone damage can also take place because of the extra weight pushing on it. Also, Steven Eldemen MD says children grow at different rates . Using a child’s BMI or body mass index is to determine over weightness at a child’s age or height.

However, your health can improve by exercising and eating healthy / changing eaten habits of your whole family. According to AACAP, if you get overweight you need to control calories. Obesity can be controlled. Parents can not bribe kids with fod if they do something good. 

A few extra pounds does  not suggest obesity. However they may indicate a tendency to gain weight easily and a need for changes in diet and  exercise. Generally, a child is not considered obese until the weight is at least 10 percent higher than what is recommended for their height and body type. Obesity most commonly begins between the ages of 5 and 6, or during adolescence. Studies have shown that a child who is obese between the ages of 10 and 13 has an 80 percent chance of becoming an obese adult.
Obesity can cause hormonal damage and risk of depression in children. You can see a therapist or anyone who can help. Social and physiological problems such as poor self esteem can occur.

Missouri increased access to healthy foods through Farm to Institution initiatives. Activities included educating government officials. Efforts also included providing support and technical assistance to develop local distribution mechanisms and training stakeholders to implement farm to institution programs.

Will you let your child suffer child obesity? Or will you take control and diet and exercise to keep your child healthy. Your child needs to know they can count on someone to help.


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