Water Boy | Teen Ink

Water Boy

August 30, 2018
By Susy_Chavez SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
Susy_Chavez SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
5 articles 5 photos 0 comments

I found Maddie Katarsky's article the "Water Boy" extremely moving because it explained how this young boy never gave up in exceeding the expectations of his peers. I believe this article was worth reading because this boy's constant struggle to be unpredictable and unique show how never giving up can be worthwhile. While he struggled with his condescending older brother and fear of being judged, he managed to maintain his hope of being noticed by his fellow students. The most amazing aspect of this article was how he found a way to be "content" through all of his struggles. Thank you, Maddie for sharing this astonishing story and reminding me that never giving up leads to eventual success. 

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