Mountain Thoughts | Teen Ink

Mountain Thoughts

August 31, 2018
By Rebeca_J BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Rebeca_J BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

   I can wholeheartedley agree with Rebecca Hamilton in her article, "Mountain Thoughts". Rebecca Hamilton expresses her passion for nature and questions why people have left it behind, almost as if ignoring it. My thoughts related to hers the most when she pointed out that nature, a "magical,intricately detailed and balanced miracle is put through the engine of industrialization, coming out the other end a monotonous sludge from which we try to recreate beauty" (Hamilton). Society tries to recreate the image of nature but fails to translate its beauty. Thank you, Rebecca Hamilton for reminding people of the powerful beauty that nature holds and that is should not be forgotten.

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