Dress to Impress | Teen Ink

Dress to Impress MAG

August 31, 2018
By Ginnna BRONZE, Phoeniz, Arizona
Ginnna BRONZE, Phoeniz, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 I agree with Cooper Greene in his article "Dress to Impress," (in the September 2018 issue). This article especially hit home with me due to my many personal expieriences with this. I recall a time in freshman year when my teacher called me out in front of the entire class to shame and dresscode me about my shirt showing "too much skin." I was wearing a tank top due to it being August in Arizona, and anyone who lives in Arizona can account to it being extremely hot at this time. I was dresscoded due to this while a boy sitting two seats away from me was wearing a black shirt refearring to certain sexual acts – no one bothered to even bat an eye about his wardabe choice, yet I was forced to miss valuable class time and scolded for wearing a tank top in 98 degree weather because I wasn't " dressed for success." Was he, though? Was his outfit "school appropiate?" Why was I punished for my clothing but he wasnt? I am thankful for Greene's article and to Teen Ink for publishing a piece about this issue.

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