Then Came the Fier | Teen Ink

Then Came the Fier

September 24, 2018
By Anonymous

The writing titled “Then Came the Fire,” written by Tomer W., talks about his school class president campaign. His writing left me feeling surprised.


I was surprised when Tomer didn’t win class president because he stated, “In my mind, I had no doubts, no second thoughts about what I was supposed to do.” I was impressed with his first paragraph in which he says, “Burning. If I had to describe how I felt in the moment, it would be burning.” The paragraph was super grabbing and hocked me to read the whole story. I believe that “burning” might too strong of a word to describe not winning class president. In my mind not winning class president can be disappointing but not life threatening. Overall, it was an interesting and dramatic story with much detail.

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