Determined to Run | Teen Ink

Determined to Run

September 24, 2018
By Anonymous

The writing titled “Determined to Run,” written by Toru Hilmanowski, talks about working to be better. Her writing left me feeling that I could relate to this. I can agree and relate this article very well. I also run track and I have problems with breathing and tiredness. I also understand when she says, “My lungs feel as though they are failing when I gasped.” I am not very surprised at all. I would imagine that everyone that runs track thinks and feels the same. I do see this in my own life, but I have not gone to state. The article, “Determined to Run,” was written very well. For example she describes the way her arms and shoulders feel as them being “heavy and stiff.” The article has very well thought out details, also they are very strong and valid. “Determined to Run” did not leave me confused at all.

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