Lost in Train of Thought | Teen Ink

Lost in Train of Thought

October 2, 2018
By Rebeca_J BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Rebeca_J BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the article, "Lost in Train of Thought," Ria Honda describes her love for traveling and expresses the nostalgia that she feels when she travels by train. I found Honda's article extremely moving as she illustrates the mix of emotions that she feels every time she boards a train as she is headed to her destination. She is constantly traveling to the point where she is unable to fully immerse herself into the cultures of each country she visits, so she uses imagery to decribe the observations she makes as she is sitting in a train. She demonstrates her strong feeling of wanderlust as she says her, "mind inches for more, continuously chugging, chugging toward the next adventure"(Honda). I agree with Honda's realization that she values other cultures or the mannerisms of societies because I feel the same exact way, which leads me to feeling the need to go out and explore other parts of the world. Thank you Ria Honda for sharing your wonderful point of view of your traveling experiences. Traveling to other places outside of your comfort zone can really bring new and beautiful experiences to people, which many relate to.

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