For William | Teen Ink

For William

October 2, 2018
By Alejandraa05 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Alejandraa05 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Writing an article about something that would be considered taboo or uncensored is a job that most would rather avoid. But in the memoir "For William" by "Hannah", it depicts what a teenager who has experienced something they should not have and how she handled it. School shootings is a serious matter and hearing about someone’s personal experience give us, the audience, an insight to what the author was thinking and feeling throughout the whole situation. As imagined, being in close proximity to someone who will try to cause harm you and the people around you will leave you feeling anything but warm. Seeing and hearing people around you make a joke out of the situation and taking it lightly must be infuriating to say the least.  I praise the author for being brave enough to speaking out on what she has gone through and for being strong enough to write about something that other would try to purposefully avoid.

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